Bunko Bonanza Slots

Bunko Bonanza Slots
We are willing to bet that almost no one knows what bunko is anymore. It is a game played with dice, usually by old ladies, going around in public spaces wearing big red hats. It’s a game whose original source material has been lost on the general public. Particularly during the pandemic, when old people be came afraid of going around outside in large groups, it pretty much fell off the map. Covid basically killed bunko. You could relive old experience in slot machine form, however, by playing this game!

Match in Style

You can match all kinds of interesting things that tell you a little about the game, but do imply that it is a game, and white people play it. Along side suits of playing cards that you will see everywhere else, there is the usual notebook, cakes that they would be eating while playing, chips to play with, bunko dice, a bell when someone wins, and the drinks they would be sharing. This pretty much sums up bunko. Old lady sitting around with dice and bells drinking and eating cake.

Another thing this game has going for it are the number of coin sizes you can play again. Whether you are rich enough to only put down a penny, or one dollar, or five dollars for a coin, they have you covered here. Across the 20 lines on the reels, this goes along way. The maximum that is $100. When combined with a progressive jackpot chances, and the free spins bonus feature that pops up, you have many ways to win, in many ways to keep playing.

Relaxing Theme

Hello the thing we love about the game is how calm and relaxed it is. This is from a simpler time, when people didn’t go around worrying about being in crowds and wearing masks. It is a fun loving game for an older generation. That is now lost on many living people, so hopefully we can return to it one day!

Another thing we love about this game or the graphics. They look decent, and are things you would see elsewhere. The theme itself is highly unique, making for easy source material for something authentically innovative. We never thought we would say that regarding something like bunko, but there you are! It’s well done.