Dr WinMore Slots

Dr WinMore Slots
The mad scientist of gambling is back at it again with a stand out entry that will keep you on your toes. The game looks like something out of a movie, with a mad scientist taking the reins as you rack in lots of money hoping to win big. It is a unique a game that looks like no other, plays like no other, and is certain to stick out in your mind. The reels extend further up and down, and other things make this a game you want to forget!

Art is Amazing

The main stand out thing to notice here is the art, and how it works itself into the gameplay. This science game takes cues from all manner of electrical things, showing you bulbs, test tubes, the math doctor himself, plasma globes, various speakers, and mechanical devices on the symbols. You will come to recognize them right away because of how unique they are. Match the right ones that you will get free spins thrown your way by the mad doctor. The number of lines you can bet on is 20, and the coin sizes are what you would usually expect.

You can play for as long as you would like and you won’t win a progressive jackpot, however. This is the main downside of the game, but one that is more than made up for about how great it all looks. We think this is easily one of the best looking games I put together. It has a theme that will stick with you, and resembles nothing else on the market. We are surprised no one else has done this sooner, as it is a relatively tried and true concept in other genres of entertainment.

More to Match

About the only thing this game lacks are special features, which they try to distract you from my have a go higher than average number of images on the reels for you to match at once. This increases the amount of times you could win, and in and of it’s self is somewhat of a special feature. We give them a nice shout out for including that, and think it looks lovely and practice.

If you have the courage to step into an online casino with the main doctor, he’ll reward you for your time. This is a lively and memorable game for players of all kinds!